Natural Organic Product Derived from Olive Fruit Extract
- Stimulates physiological development of plants.
- Root formation & root system growth.
- Improves bud initiation, flower & fruit setting.
- Improves formation of food store reserves (Lipids, Polysaccharides, Proteins sucrose)
- Improves leaves, fruit size & growth.
- Delays senescence (aging of cells) of leaves, fruits& cut flower.
- Improves resistance against pest/disease attack.
- Cereals (Rice, Wheat, and Maize), Oil Seeds (Cotton, Sunflower, Soybean),
- Fruit Trees (Grapes, Citrus, Pomegranate, Papaya, Mango, Fig etc.),
- Strawberry and Vegetables (Tomato, Potato, Brinjal, Peas, Onion, Capsicum, Chilli's, Cucurbits, etc)
0.5 ml / Liter of water as foliar spray