
  • Role of Zinc

    1. Involved with the production of Auxin within the plant. Auxin is responsible for leaf size, which helps in photosynthetic activity.

    2. Zinc is needed for phosphorous uptake which is needed for energy transfer.

    3. Necessary for the starch formation and proper root development.

    4. The constituent in several plant enzymes.

    5. Carbohydrate metabolism in photosynthesis and conversion of sugars to starch.

    6. Protein metabolism

    7. Resistance to infection.


1. Bean, Citrus, Grape, Maize, Onion, Sugarcane.
2. Cotton, Potato, Soybean, Tomato,
  1. Mild deficiency affects fruit only whereas; severe deficiency will affect foliage and fruit.
  2. Reduced fruit set and presences of shot berries.
  3. Zinc Fertigation – Zinc sulfate (not ZinkFlo) should be completed 2-3 weeks before bloom. Zinc level should be 30 ppm, from early bloom.
  4. Leaf petioles opposite cluster are sampled during bloom period while recently matured leaf petiole should be used before or after bloom.
  1. Excessive phosphate.
  2. Overuse of nitrogen.
  3. Excessive use of copper can block zinc
  4. Alkaline soils (with pH above 6.4).
  1. High analysis, flowable.
  2. Large surface area for high absorption by leaf surface.
  3. Quickly corrects deficiencies.
  4. Safe to use.
  5. No scorching or burning.
  6. Not affected by pH.
  7. Controlled particle size gives quick uptake and long-lasting effect. Thus reducing repeat applications.
Sr.No Crop Application Stage Advisory Dose (ml/lit of water)
1 Grapes
(April/October Pruning)
Stages as per EL chart:
(EL 12): 5 leaves separated,
(EL 16): 10 leaves separated,
(EL 23): 50% caps fall = Full bloom,
(EL 27): 2 mm berry stage.
2 Pomegranate 30-35 days after pruning & Repeat at 45 -50 days after Pruning. 1-1.5
3 Banana 40-45 days and 90-95 days after Transplant. 1-1.5
4 Citrus 8-10 days before flowering & Repeat 15 days after the first spray. 1-1.5
5 Tomato/Chilli/Onion/Garlic 30-40 days after transplant & Repeat after 15 days. 0.5-0.75
6 Potato 30-40 days after sowing. 1-1.5
7 Sugarcane 45 days after sowing & 90 days after sowing. 1-1.5
8 Cotton 30-35 days after transplant & 45-50 days after transplant. 0.5-0.75
9 Pulses/ Soyabean 30-35 days after sowing. 1-1.5
10 Maize / Groundnut 30-35 days after sowing.) 1-1.5


Note: Read the label before using the product.
Direction for use: Continue agitation during spraying.
Tank mixing/co-application: Carry out "Jar test" before mixing ZinkFlo with other products. Co-application is entirely at the risk of the end-users.
Caution: Do not exceed the appropriate application rate. Do not spray under hot and bright days. Always Use PPE. Do not empty into drains and waterways. Dispose of empty container in a safe way.
Storage: Do not expose to direct sunlight or high temperature (above 30℃). Use the container fully, once opened. Keep away from food, drink, animal feedstuff and children.

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