
  • Sea Rich Granules are beneficial for use in all crops. This Sea weed extract based granule is an effective plant stimulant for vigorous root and plant growth.


Ascophyllum Nodosum (% w/w) 3.25%- 3.30 %
Amino Acid Composition 2.9-2.97 %
Vitamins B, C, D, E
58 Trace Elements In PPM
  1. Non toxic, safe to handle and use
  2. Imported raw materials used in manufacturing
  3. Highly concentrated formula
  4. Suitable for use in field crops, plantations, vegetables, and rainfed farming
  1. Improved seed germination
  2. Improved root development
  3. Improved growth and crop vigour
  4. Improved Yield
  5. Improved Sugar / Brix
  6. Improved Size / Uniformity
It should be mixed with organic / inorganic fertilizers or manures and spread evenly in soil /root zone.
Sea Rich granules are not soluble in water, but release the active content slowly

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